Could Your Anxiety Actually Be Copper Toxicity?


Do you frequently feel overrun by your emotions or feel overwhelmed? Do you experience irritability or a sense of urgency that everything needs to be done this minute? Does your child exhibit impulsivity, ADD, OCD or struggle with learning disorders? There can be many reasons for this but an often overlooked culprit is copper toxicity, otherwise known as an imbalance of copper in the body.

Why does copper toxicity occur?

The body has an elaborate system for regulating trace minerals. In a perfect scenario, we absorb these minerals from food when we are depleted and they are taken through the blood to our cells. If our stores are adequate, then whatever is absorbed should be excreted. Unfortunately, many factors cause this system to break down, including:

  • The quality of our diets,
  • Disease, and
  • Environmental factors.

Everything in the body has an opposite and in copper’s case, it is zinc. Zinc is our calming mineral while copper is excitatory. Copper ramps up our neurotransmitters which then stimulates our emotions. These two are minerals but are also regarded as neurotransmitters in the brain and have a large impact on brain and behavioral health. Our systems require zinc to run optimally. So, when we deplete this mineral at a much faster level than copper, it leads to an imbalance.

Causes of zinc depletion

Depletion of zinc is common today due to:

  • Poor food and nutrition
  • Stress
  • Poor adrenal function
  • Bombardment of our environment on our nervous and endocrine systems
  • Certain viruses which cause rapid zinc depletion

Symptoms of zinc depletion and copper toxicity

The most common symptoms of an imbalance between these two minerals include:

  • High emotions
  • Overwhelm
  • Anxiety
  • Digestive symptoms
  • Acne, skin rashes, dry skin
  • Fatigue
  • Palor
  • IBS
  • ADHD
  • Poor sleep
  • Learning disorders
  • Headaches
  • Weakened immune system
  • Poor ability to handle stress

Where does copper come from?

Copper makes its way into your body through various sources, including:

  • Poor detox functioning of the liver
  • Copper pipes
  • Copper cookware
  • Birth control pills
  • Certain IUD’s
  • Copper containing foods: legumes, grains, nuts, avocado, coffee, chocolate, shellfish, soy, particularly soy isolates
  • Alcohol and processed sugar inhibit the absorption of zinc leading to an imbalance

How do you fix a zinc-copper imbalance?

One answer is to supplement zinc, but there is individuality here in the amounts and types that should not be done long term. Please ensure that you are working with a qualified health practitioner to monitor this. Other natural ways to help balance zinc and copper levels include:

  • Improve the detox function of the liver and skin
  • Infrared sauna
  • Sweating
  • Drinking hibiscus or dandelion tea
  • Increasing foods high in zinc such as meat, eggs and pumpkin seeds
  • Undergo a detox and/or heavy metals detox in some cases

How do I know if mine or my child’s copper level is high?

The best way to test for copper levels is through functional lab testing that looks at detailed mineral and heavy metal levels as well as digestion, vitamin and metabolic markers. At Designed Family Wellness, I work with adults and children who may be dealing with food sensitivities or food allergies, gut dysbiosis, anxiety or depression, heavy metal toxicity, and a variety of other health challenges. If you or a loved one need help getting to the root of whatever is preventing you from achieving optimal wellness, please schedule a consultation with me today. I’ll be your partner in health and show you how to enjoy healthy living to its fullest!

Find freedom through healthy living with Designed Family Wellness.

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